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When Intentions Dwindle

Last week my daughter had an ear infection and needed extra time and attention from me. By the time she was feeling better I began to feel run down and, sure enough, eventually ended up with a cold of my own. On top of that, my husband was out of town for the three worst days of my cold. Needless to say, exercise fell to the wayside and my efforts to feed the kids and I rested on whatever was easy and fast. Life happens. When it does, the efforts we make to be healthy don’t always fit into the schedule. And that’s okay. If we beat ourselves up over it and end up feeling guilty, we will only risk sabotaging our efforts to get back on track. But if we can accept those less than healthy days for what they were and move on, we are more apt to find the motivation to pick up where we left off. I used to mark the details of each and every workout I completed on my calendar so I could look back and see how many days in a particular week or month I had worked out. But I found that whe...

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